2023, A new year, a new start
The first day begins with Christ's 8th day after His birth. His first blood droplet from circumcision would be sufficient for the atonement of man's sins since the fall of Adam. However! The Lord wanted His suffering to be part of His atonement as the greatest demonstration of His love.
Lets begin 2023 with lots of love and joy!
Christmas Mass December 18, 2022
We are working on having a guest Deaf priest, most likely Fr. Coughlin for our 2022 Christmas Mass. We need to work together to create a big celebration and fellowship after Mass. Potluck and social settings will have to be planned and sorted out. We need volunteers!
First fellowship at Golden Corral
What a success! We had a small but vibrant group including two wonderful guest speakers covering their missionary works. They plan on moving to Costa Rica in early 2023. Visit their website at and please consider donating to their works bringing the bible translation and narratives to the deaf community across the globe.